Banner shows department logo, name and location.  For complete contact information, refer to the Contact Us page on this site. Photograph of Lake Merritt

To start the online enrollment process for the Deferred Compensation Plan, please click here.

To start the online Payroll Modification process for the Deferred Compensation Plan, please click here.

To start the online Name/Address Change process for the Deferred Compensation Plan, please click here.

To start the online Beneficiary Designation (Change) process for the Deferred Compensation Plan, please click here.

New! To start the online Distribution Election process for the Deferred Compensation Plan, please click here.

Phone: 1-855-WOW-457B (1-855-969-4572)
Fax: (510) 268-5377

The Alameda County Deferred Compensation Plan is available to employees. Services as needed, Intermittent and Per Diem employees are not eligible to participate. Under the terms of the Plan, employees are allowed to supplement retirement and pension benefits by saving and investing pre-tax dollars through voluntary salary deferral. Contributions can be invested in the available investment options and any contribution or earnings on contributions are not subject to taxes until money is withdrawn. Distributions are usually taken at retirement when many participants are typically receiving less income, and may be in a lower income tax bracket than while working. Distributions are subject to ordinary income tax. ** Portable Document Format (PDF) file requires the free Adobe Reader.