County of Alameda Administration Building
1221 Oak Street, #536, Oakland, CA 94612
Alameda County Board of Supervisors
Picture of Board chambers with a photo of Supervisor Keith Carson, District 5.

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Asian Community Collaborative (ACC)

The Asian Community Collaborative (ACC) is a collection of over 30 Asian and Asian Pacific Islander (API) community-based organizations that provide services to the Fifth Supervisorial District; ACC was established in December 2002.

Mission Statement:
ACC, which was created by Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson, advocates for and promotes linguistically and culturally accessible County services for Asian and Asian Pacific Islander (API) Americans. Our focus is on language access, employment, and social services issues; and will work with community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and businesses that serve the API communities.

To see a list of our MEMBERS, click here

Website links:


    In response to the far reaching impact of COVID-19 onto our greater community, ACC is hosting a series of online workshops dedicated to connecting our API community organizations to current resources and also giving them a forum to provide direct feedback to administering agencies on how to improve accessibility and outreach to the API community in Alameda County.
    • June 10, 2020 Meeting: DRAI and PPP Programs
      We hosted Christopher Ramirez from Catholic Charities of the East Bay who is spearheading the state's Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants (DRAI) program in the area, and Julie A Clowes from the Small Business Association, who shared the new changes to the Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness program.
      DRAI Flyer | SBA PowerPoint Presentation
    • May 6, 2020 Meeting: Mental Health Resources for Staff and Financial Assistance for Non-Profits
      Cynthia Choi, Chinese for Affirmative Action and STOP AAPI Hate Coalition Member
      Sun Hyung Lee, LCSW, MPH, Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services
      Joshua Lee, MA, Multicultural Fellow, Power Pathway at San Francisco Foundation
      Sabrina Wu, East Bay Community Foundation
  • New Governor Priorities: Our most recent ACC meeting was on March 27, 2019. Our special guests Monica Miller from Political Solutions LLC and Cat Nou from the API Legislative Caucus shared how the Governor's new priorities will affect our local API organizations and residents. Click here for meeting notes.
  • Census 2020: Our meeting in October 2018 will focus on preparing community organizations for the Census 2020 and why it is important for us all to be counted. We will also discuss the newly introduced citizenship question and how it might affect turnout.
  • API Boys and Men Forum, April 14, 2016 Graphic report: API Boys and Men Forum (PDF - 486kb) *
  • Resource Map: ACC is currently working on creating a resource map that will identify where the service providers are located in Northern Alameda County, including churches.
  • Community Forum: We hosted a Statewide conference on Language Access in May 2004, in conjunction with the Alameda County Social Services Agency and the East Bay Asian Consortium (EBAC). The forum is designed to bring together California counties, communities and County staff to foster better working relationships, and address some of the important issues facing the API communities. (Date, time and location to be announced.)

The ACC general membership meets quarterly in Oakland.

Contact information:
Emma Ishii
Supervisor Keith Carson's office
1221 Oak Street, Suite 536
Oakland, CA 94612
Social Services Policy Associate
(510) 272-6695 main