A message from:
Board of Supervisors
Susan S. Muranishi, County Administrator
May 18, 2020
We hope that you are staying healthy and took some time to care for yourself over the weekend. As we enter week 9 of the COVID-19 health emergency, we extend our sincere thanks for your commitment and perseverance as you continue to provide critical services to our residents, clients and customers.
Today, two Health Officer orders were issued effective Monday, May 18, 2020 -- a revised Shelter in Place order and a vehicle gathering order. Both orders maintain the shelter in place and physical distancing provisions that with your support and cooperation have helped to flatten the curve. A summary of both orders is attached and copies of the orders will be posted on the County’s website.
As we continue on this extraordinary journey together, please know that we value your resilience and resolve to serve our diverse communities despite the uncertainties and challenges we face every day. We salute you during Public Service Recognition Month and every day for your many contributions that are saving lives.
Please stay healthy, be safe and enjoy the upcoming Memorial Day holiday weekend with your families.